21-Tips-To-Make-Your-Bedroom-Elegant and-Extra-Cozy

10 Easy Ways For a Bedroom Refresh on a Budget

Is your home in desperate need of a bedroom refresh? That relaxing oasis where you’re supposed to recharge for the day ahead is looking more drab and uninviting instead. If your sleeping space feels blah, stale, or just plain boring, don’t worry – giving it an affordable makeover is easier than you think!


A simple bedroom refresh doesn’t require an extreme redecorating overhaul or hugely expensive furniture pieces. Sometimes, all it takes are a few budget-friendly tweaks and some creative DIY flair to completely transform the vibe. Check out these 10 easy, low-cost ways to breathe new life and style into your bedroom sanctuary without breaking the bank.

1: Give your walls a new coat of paint


Out of all the easy ways to give your bedroom a little makeover, putting on a fresh coat of paint is one of the most affordable and impactful! A new color on the walls can completely refresh and transform the entire look and feel of your sleeping space.

Changing up that wall color is kind of like giving your bedroom a bright, clean start. Whether you go for a calming neutral shade like warm gray or tan, or want to energize things with a bolder hue like soft blue or green, new paint works like magic.

As decorator Emily Henderson says: “Painting is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to breathe new life into any space. It’s an instant pick-me-up that makes everything else look updated too.”

Pro tip: Use painter’s tape to get nice, clean lines around the edges for a polished, crisp finish when painting.

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2: Swap out your bedding

21-Tips-To-Make-Your-Bedroom-Elegant and-Extra-Cozy

One of the quickest and easiest ways for a bedroom refresh is to switch up your bedding! Your cozy bed is the star of the show in your sleeping space, so updating those sheets, comforter, and pillows can make it look practically brand new.

Think about it – your current bedding has likely been through the wringer after months (or years) of use. Stains, fading, and worn-out fabric can make even the nicest bed set look sad and drab. But put on some fresh, crisp new bedding and wow! It’s like giving your bed a total style makeover.

You don’t need to spend a ton either. Retailers like Target, IKEA, and online shops have really affordable bedding sets and separates that still look chic. HGTV actually polled people who had updated their bedding, and 75% said they noticed a significant mood boost in their bedroom afterwards!

So don’t underestimate the power of new bed linens, blankets, and pillows for an easy bedroom refresh. It’s an instant way to makeover the whole vibe.

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3: Create an accent wall


Want to make a big, stylish impact in your bedroom without a huge renovation? An accent wall is the way to go for an easy bedroom refresh! This fun design trick lets you get creative with color, pattern, or texture on just one wall.

Painting one wall a bold, contrasting shade like navy blue or burgundy can add tons of visual interest and make the space feel cohesive and pulled together. Or, for a trendy boho vibe, cover an accent wall with peel-and-stick printed wallpaper or wood planking. So simple, but it’ll look like you hired an interior designer!

As designer Bobby Berk says, “Accent walls are an easy way to add depth and make a space feel intentional, rather than just slapping paint up on the walls.”

You can get peel-and-stick wallpaper and plank paneling really affordably these days at home stores or online. Look for sales and coupons to save even more money on your mini accent wall project.

Also: How to Decorate Blank Walls for Renters

4: DIY some decor

Jamie Herzlinger

Getting crafty with simple DIY projects is one of the most budget-friendly ways to give your bedroom an easy refresh! Put your personal touch on your space by making some cute decorations yourself. It’s fun AND saves you money.

All you need are some basic supplies like paint, glue, scissors, and whatever affordable materials you want to use. Empty glass jars or bottles? Turn them into pretty vases or organizers! Plain pillows or fabric scraps? Stitch up some colorful new pillow covers or wall hangings. Get creative and tap into your inner artist.

Decorator Emily Henderson says, “I love incorporating DIY elements because it adds such a custom, thoughtful feel that store-bought decor can’t match.”

You can find tons of trendy, easy DIY bedroom decor ideas online or come up with your own crafty creations. Making things yourself is way cheaper than buying new decorations. Plus, your handmade pieces will make your bedroom refresh feel extra special and unique to you!

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5: Declutter and reorganize


Let’s be real – no bedroom refresh is complete until you get rid of that clutter! When your space is bogged down with too much stuff lying around, it can start to feel cramped, messy, and just plain stressful. The good news? Decluttering is an easy way to instantly refresh your bedroom’s vibe without spending any money!

Take a good look around your room and be honest with yourself about what you actually need and use regularly. Those old magazines, piles of clothes, and knickknacks just collecting dust? It’s time to say goodbye! Toss, donate, or relocate any non-essentials crowding up your space.

Interior designer Cathy Hobbs says, “Clearing clutter allows your brain to relax and reset – it’s like a free feng shui makeover for your mind!”

Once you’ve pared down, organize what’s left into tidy storage bins, baskets, or a closet system. Suddenly your room will feel so much more open, airy, and peaceful. Who knew decluttering could make such a big difference?

Related: Step-by-Step Guide to Declutter Your Home

6: Add greenery


You know what they say – bring the outdoors in! Adding some living, green plants to your bedroom is an amazing way to refresh the whole space. Not only are potted plants and florals super affordable, but they’ll also make your bedroom feel more vibrant, peaceful and welcoming.

Having greenery around does wonders for both your physical and mental health too. A NASA study found that indoor plants can actually remove up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours! Plus, caring for lush, leafy greens has been shown to reduce stress levels and boost your mood by 60%.

As designer Justina Blakeney says, “Plants make a space feel alive and energized in a way that no other decor item can. They’re like little living sculptures!”

From blooming bouquets to trailing ivies to big beautiful palms, there are so many budget-friendly plant options to suit your style. Even adding one simple succulent or herb garden to your nightstand or dresser will instantly liven up your bedroom refresh.

Also: How to Decorate a Kids Playroom on a Budget

7: Incorporate mirrors


Adding a mirror (or a few!) is one of the easiest and most affordable tricks for giving your bedroom an instant refresh. These humble home accessories are a total decor multi-tasker – not only are they functional, but mirrors can also make any space feel bigger, brighter, and more open.

Placing a large floor mirror directly across from a window will maximize all that gorgeous natural light. It bounces those sunny rays around the room, making it feel way more airy and energizing. Or lean a full-length mirror against a wall to visually double the space!

According to decorator Emily Henderson, “Mirrors are like a cheat code for refreshing small rooms. They add light and extra dimension without taking up any extra square footage.”

Even a few well-placed mirrored picture frames or an accent mirror on your dresser can work wonders for a bedroom refresh. The reflective surfaces create a sense of depth and make wall colors and patterns pop.

This low-cost bedroom decor idea is so simple yet high-impact. Look for affordable mirror options at discount stores, thrift shops, or online retailers. With a few strategically hung mirrors, your space will feel brand new!

Also: How To Decorate a Bathroom on a Budget

8: Update window treatments

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James Merrell

Raise your hand if your bedroom’s current curtains or shades are looking a little drab and outdated? Window treatments can have a huge impact on the overall vibe of your space, so swapping them out is an easy way to give your bedroom an instant refresh!

Switching to some breezy, sheer curtain panels, for example, will automatically make your room feel lighter, airier, and more modern. Or go for boldly colored curtains or fun patterned drapes to add a pop of visual interest. Either way, new window dressings are like giving your bedroom a fashion-forward makeover.

Interior designer Michel Smith Boyd says, “Window coverings have a much bigger impact than people realize. They frame the space and set the entire tone at the window line.”

You can find really affordable curtain options at stores like IKEA, Target, and even online retailers like Amazon. Or get crafty by sewing some custom drapes yourself from inexpensive fabric! Replace those dull, dated blinds with sleek new roller shades for an extra fresh look.

It’s amazing what a difference new window treatments can make in breathing new life into a space for an easy bedroom refresh. Your first look at the bright, airy room in the morning will feel totally different!

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9: Swap out lighting


What’s the one thing that sets the entire mood and ambiance for your bedroom? The lighting! Switching up your lamps, overhead fixtures, or even adding some twinkly string lights is an easy way to give your space an affordable refresh.

Think about it – harsh, unflattering bright bulbs or that sad, outdated ceiling fan do nothing for creating a cozy, relaxing vibe. But swapping those out for softer, warmer lighting can completely transform how your bedroom feels. It’s like giving the space an instant spa-like atmosphere!

Start by ditching any unflattering fluorescent bulbs for warm white LED options. Add some new accent lamps or a chic drum shade pendant light. You can find really affordable, on-trend lighting options these days at home stores or online retailers.

Even just stringing up some simple, shimmery string lights along your headboard or draped across a windowpane will add such a cozy, welcoming glow for an easy bedroom refresh. With the right lighting, your space will feel like a totally new, ultra-relaxing sanctuary!

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10: Add pops of color and texture

Swoon Worthy

Alright, one of the absolute easiest and most fun ways to breathe new life into your bedroom for a little refresh? Playing with color and different textures! Adding in some vibrantly colored or plushy soft elements can entirely transform the look and cozy feel of your space.

Start simple by scooping up some bright, patterned throw pillows for your bed or chairs. Pillows are like outfits for your room – switching them up automatically gives everything a fresh new vibe. Get ones with fun textures like chunky knits, faux fur, or embroidered details for extra visual interest.

Layer in a plush throw blanket at the foot of your bed too. Not only does it look inviting and styled, but that soft, cozy texture will make you want to snuggle up all day! Bringing in a small shaggy area rug can also add great texture and color.

In fact, a poll by Houzz found that 82% of people say adding soft textiles like plush blankets, pillows, and rugs made their bedroom feel infinitely more cozy and relaxing.

So have some fun mixing and matching colors, patterns, and fabric textures you love! It’s an inexpensive way to completely refresh your bedroom’s look and create your own cozy maximalist hideaway.

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Whether your bedroom is feeling drab, cluttered, or just plain uninspired, giving it an affordable refresh is easier than you think! As you can see from these 10 tips, there are so many creative, budget-friendly ways to breathe new life and style into your sleeping sanctuary.

From simple updates like new budget-friendly bedding or a fresh coat of energizing paint to bigger impacts like an accent wall or strategically placed mirrors, the ideas are endless. Don’t be afraid to get crafty with some DIY decor pieces or mix and match fun colors and textures too!

Updating your bedroom doesn’t require an extreme renovation or expensive overhaul. Sometimes all it takes are a few thoughtful, intentional changes tailored to your unique style and space to create the ultimate cozy, welcoming oasis you deserve.

So take that first step towards your dream bedroom refresh today! Whether you tackle these ideas one at a time or go for a full makeover, you’ll be amazed at the total transformation. Sweet dreams are just a few affordable tweaks away.

Bedroom Refresh-FAQs

Q. What if I can’t do any painting or wallpapering since I’m renting?

No problem! Stick with removable, non-damaging accent wall ideas like peel-and-stick wallpaper or woven hanging tapestries instead. Focus your updates on budget decor items you can take with you like new bedding, lighting, mirrors, and DIY pieces.

Q. How can I refresh my bedroom if I have almost no budget?

Get creative and look for free or ultra low-cost options! Decluttering and rearranging is free. Check Craigslist, thrift stores, and yard sales for dirt-cheap secondhand decor. Repurpose things you already have around the house into new pieces. A few potted plants and some colorful new curtains or bedding can go a long way!

Q. What are some very low-cost decor ideas for renters?

Command strips are a renter’s best friend for damage-free hanging! Use them to put up affordable art prints, mirrors, shelving, even hang curtain rods without any nails or holes. Woven baskets, poufs, rugs, and throw pillows in your fave colors are also easy switches. Get inspiration from places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and HomeGoods.

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