
How to Set Decorating Project Priorities to Get Started


Are you ready to set decorating project priorities to transform your living space into a haven that exudes style and personality? Starting on a decorating project can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many ideas swirling in your head, it’s essential to set clear priorities to ensure a successful and satisfying outcome. 

In this article, we’ll explore the best tips to set decorating project priorities to get started. Whether you’re revamping a single room or tackling an entire home makeover, these strategies will help you stay focused, organized, and inspired throughout your journey.

When beginning a decorating project, it’s crucial to establish clear priorities to guide your decision-making process. By doing so, you can ensure that your efforts and resources are directed towards the most critical aspects of your project. Here are the best tips on how to set decorating project priorities to get started:

First Thing To Do:

 Leanne Ford Interiors

When it comes to setting decorating project priorities for your home projects, there are a few main areas that deserve your attention. First and foremost, prioritize the functionality and comfort of your space. Consider how you use the room and ensure that the layout, furniture, and overall design cater to your specific needs. 

“Start with the things you see and use every day. If your sofa is uncomfortable or your lighting is inadequate, address those foundational pieces first. Don’t get bogged down in decorative accents before the core functionality is in place.”

Says Kelly Wearstler

Next, focus on creating a cohesive and visually appealing aesthetic by prioritizing key design elements such as color schemes, textures, and patterns. These foundational elements will set the tone for your space and create a harmonious atmosphere. Additionally, pay attention to lighting as it plays a crucial role in setting the mood and enhancing the overall ambiance of the room. 

Finally, consider the impact of statement pieces or focal points that can become conversation starters and add personality to your space. By prioritizing these key areas, you’ll create a well-designed, functional, and visually pleasing space that reflects your style and meets your lifestyle needs.

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1. Create a To-Do-List

Tina Ramchandani Creative

Creating a to-do list is an effective way to set decorating project priorities for your decorating endeavor. Start by breaking down your project into smaller, manageable tasks. Take a comprehensive look at the various aspects of your project, such as painting, furniture selection, and accessory placement. Then, prioritize these tasks based on their importance and the order in which they need to be completed. 

Consider factors such as deadlines, dependencies, and the impact each task will have on the overall project. As you prioritize, be realistic about the time and resources required for each task. Once you have a prioritized list, transfer it to a physical or digital platform that suits your preference, such as a notebook, a project management app, or a calendar. 

Breaking down your project into smaller tasks and organizing them in a to-do list will help you stay focused, track your progress, and ensure that you tackle the most critical aspects of your decorating project first.

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2. Evaluate Your Needs and Desires


Before you get started setting your decorating project priorities, take a step back and evaluate your needs and desires. What do you want to achieve with your project? Are you looking to create a cozy retreat, an inspiring workspace, or a vibrant entertaining area? Understanding your goals will help you determine the main focus of your decorating efforts.

“Functionality trumps aesthetics. A beautiful space that doesn’t work for your lifestyle is ultimately a failure. Prioritize pieces that serve a purpose and make your life easier, then layer in the beauty.”

Says Nate Berkus

“If you are looking for a way to style your space with wall art without breaking your piggy bank, then I recommend reading “10 Surprising Benefits of Printable Wall Art

3. Consider Your Lifestyle


Your lifestyle plays a significant role in setting project priorities. Consider how you use your space on a daily basis and the activities that take place there. If you have young children or pets, durability and functionality may be higher on your list of priorities. On the other hand, if you frequently entertain guests, creating an inviting ambiance might be key.

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4. Set a Realistic Budget


Setting a realistic budget is essential to prioritize your decorating project priorities effectively. Determine how much you’re willing to invest in the project, including both materials and professional services if required. Having a clear budget in mind will help you allocate funds to different areas of your project and avoid overspending.

5. Assess the Scope of the Project

Rita Konig

Take a comprehensive look at the scope of your decorating project. Break it down into smaller tasks and evaluate the time, effort, and resources each one will require. By understanding the overall scope, you can prioritize tasks based on complexity, urgency, or desired impact.

“Think about the big picture first, then zoom in. Decide how you want to use the space as a whole, then tackle individual areas like seating arrangements, storage solutions, and lighting. This helps you avoid impulse buys that don’t fit the overall vision.”

Says Joanna Gaines

6. Identify Key Elements and Focal Points


Every room has its unique features that can serve as focal points or anchor pieces. Identify these key elements in your space and consider how you can enhance or highlight them. Prioritizing these areas will bring a cohesive and harmonious look to your overall design.

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7. Seek Inspiration and Gather Ideas


Before finalizing your priorities, it’s essential to seek inspiration and gather ideas. Explore interior design magazines, websites, and social media platforms for inspiration. Create mood boards or save images of spaces that resonate with your style. This process will help you refine your decorating project priorities and envision the desired outcome.

8. Create a Timeline


Time management is crucial when starting a decorating project. Create a timeline that outlines when you’d like specific tasks to be completed. Be realistic about the time it will take to accomplish each task and build in some flexibility for unexpected delays or changes.

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9. Start with High-Impact Changes


To kickstart your project with a bang, begin with high-impact changes. These changes can make a significant difference in the overall look and feel of your space. It could be painting an accent wall or installing statement lighting. By focusing on these impactful changes first, you’ll feel a sense of progress and motivation to continue with the rest of your project.

10. Prioritize Functionality and Comfort


While aesthetics are important, don’t forget to prioritize functionality and comfort in your decorating project. Consider the practical aspects of the space, such as seating arrangements, storage solutions, and traffic flow. A beautiful space that lacks functionality will ultimately not serve its purpose.

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11. Consider Long-Term Investments


When setting priorities, think about long-term investments that will benefit your space in the years to come. Quality furniture pieces, timeless finishes, and durable materials may require a larger initial investment but will save you money in the long run. Focus on elements that will stand the test of time and bring lasting value to your home.

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What To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed during your decorating project priorities, it’s important to take a step back and regain your focus. Start by taking a deep breath and reminding yourself of the goals you set for the project. Reflect on the overall vision you have for your space and the desired outcome. Once you have a clear picture in mind, break down the remaining tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Identify the specific actions required to achieve each task and create a checklist to keep track of your progress.

Prioritize the most critical tasks based on their impact and urgency. Determine which tasks are essential to creating the foundation of your design and focus on those first. This could include tasks such as painting the walls, installing flooring, or selecting key furniture pieces. By addressing these foundational elements, you’ll create a solid base for the rest of your decorating project.

Tackling one task at a time can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm. Start by dedicating your attention to a single task until it’s completed. This focused approach allows you to devote your energy and creativity to each individual task, ensuring a higher level of quality and attention to detail. As you complete each task, cross it off your checklist, and celebrate the progress you’ve made. This sense of accomplishment will fuel your motivation and help you stay on track.

By implementing these steps when you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can regain your focus, manage your tasks effectively, and bring your decorating vision to life with confidence and joy. Remember that decorating is meant to be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience, and by taking proactive steps to manage overwhelm, you’ll create a space that reflects your unique style and personality while maintaining your overall well-being.

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Setting clear decorating project priorities is the foundation of a successful decorating project. By evaluating your needs, considering your lifestyle, and setting a realistic budget, you can focus your efforts on what matters most to you. Remember to seek inspiration, create a timeline, and prioritize both aesthetics and functionality. With the how to set decorating project priorities to get started, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautiful space that reflects your unique style and personality.


Q1: How do I determine my decorating style?

A1: Determining your decorating style involves exploring different design aesthetics and finding what resonates with you. Look for inspiration online, create mood boards, and pay attention to the elements and colors you’re drawn to the most. Over time, you’ll develop a clear sense of your personal style.

Q2: Should I hire a professional decorator?

A2: Hiring a professional decorator can be beneficial, especially if you feel overwhelmed or lack confidence in your design skills. They can provide guidance, offer creative solutions, and save you time and effort. Assess your budget and the complexity of your project to decide if hiring a decorator is the right choice for you.

Q3: How can I prioritize multiple rooms in my project?

A3: If you’re working on multiple rooms, prioritize based on their significance and functionality. Start with high-traffic areas or spaces that are most frequently used. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy the completed rooms while continuing to work on the others.

Q4: What if I have a limited budget?

A4: Having a limited budget shouldn’t discourage you from pursuing your decorating project. Prioritize the most impactful changes that fit within your budget, such as repainting walls, updating lighting fixtures, or adding new accessories. Small, thoughtful updates can make a big difference without breaking the bank.

Q5: How do I stay organized throughout the project?

A5: Staying organized is essential for a smooth decorating project. Create a checklist of tasks, set deadlines, and keep track of purchases and expenses. Consider using digital tools or apps to help you stay organized and manage your project effectively.

Q6: What should I do if my priorities change during the project?

A6: It’s not uncommon for priorities to shift or change during a decorating project. Be open to adjustments and reassessments along the way. Take the time to evaluate the new priorities and make necessary adjustments to your plan. Flexibility is key to achieving a successful outcome.



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