
15 Best Tips to Stage Your Home to Sell Faster


Tips to stage your home can make the selling process of your home an exciting yet challenging experience. Selling a home can be an exciting yet challenging experience. As a homeowner, you want to ensure that your property stands out in the competitive real estate market and attracts potential buyers. 

One effective strategy that has gained significant popularity in recent years is home staging. According to the 2021 NAR report, the most common rooms that are staged are the living room (90%), kitchen (80%), owner’s bedroom (78%), and dining room (69%). These statistics highlight the growing recognition of the benefits of home staging among sellers. 

In this article, we will explore 15 best tips to stage your home to sell faster. Whether you’re a homeowner preparing to sell or a real estate agent looking to maximize the appeal of your listings, these tips will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you achieve a successful and swift sale. So let’s dive in and discover the art of staging your home to perfection.

Table of Contents

What’s Home Staging


Home staging is the process of strategically arranging and enhancing a property to make it more appealing to potential buyers. It involves transforming a home into an inviting and desirable space that showcases its best features and allows buyers to envision themselves living there. 

Staging goes beyond simply cleaning and decluttering; it involves carefully selecting and arranging furniture, decor, and accessories to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing environment. The goal of home staging is to create an emotional connection with buyers, helping them imagine the lifestyle and potential the home offers. 

“Creating a sense of space and flow is crucial when staging a home for sale. Clearing out clutter and arranging furniture to maximize openness allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space.”

Says Jane Smith, Interior Designer

By maximizing the property’s strengths, minimizing its weaknesses, and creating an ambiance that appeals to a broad range of buyers, staging increases the likelihood of a faster sale at a higher price. It is a valuable investment that can significantly impact the impression and perceived value of a home.

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Why is Home Staging Important

When it comes to selling your home, tips to stage your home can play a pivotal role in the success of your sale. Home staging is an essential aspect of the selling process as it can significantly impact the outcome of a sale. When done effectively, staging helps create a memorable and positive first impression on potential buyers, making your home stand out from the competition. 

By showcasing the property’s strengths and highlighting its unique features, staging allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space. It helps create an emotional connection, which is crucial in motivating buyers to make an offer. 

Additionally, staging can help create a sense of space, making rooms appear larger and more inviting. It allows buyers to see the full potential of each room and how it can fit their lifestyle. 

Moreover, staged homes often photograph better, capturing attention online and attracting a larger pool of interested buyers. Ultimately, by investing in home staging, you increase the likelihood of a faster sale at a higher price, maximizing your return on investment.

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What Are The Benefits of Home Staging

Home staging offers numerous benefits to sellers looking to maximize their chances of a successful sale. Firstly, staging can help create a positive and memorable impression on potential buyers, leading to increased interest and offers. It allows buyers to see the full potential of the property and imagine themselves living in the space, which can generate a stronger emotional connection and desire to purchase. 

Additionally, staging helps to highlight the property’s best features, whether it’s spacious rooms, architectural details, or stunning views, drawing attention to its unique selling points. This can differentiate your home from similar properties in the market, increasing its perceived value and desirability. Staged homes also tend to photograph well, enhancing online listings and attracting more views and inquiries. 

Moreover, staging can minimize the impact of any flaws or imperfections, as strategic placement of furniture and decor can divert attention away from potential drawbacks. 

Overall, the investment in home staging can result in a faster sale and potentially higher offers, making it a worthwhile endeavor for sellers looking to achieve optimal results in the real estate market.  Now that you know the importance and benefits of home staging, let’s discover 15 best tips to stage your home to sell faster, ensuring a successful and profitable transaction. Let’s get started!

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15 Best Tips to Stage Your Home to Sell Faster

1. Declutter and Depersonalize: Let Buyers Envision Their Future

Rachel Whiting

To kickstart the staging process, begin by decluttering and depersonalizing your home. Remove excessive personal items, photographs, and collectibles. By doing so, you allow buyers to envision themselves living in the space, rather than feeling like guests in someone else’s home.

“Neutral tones and minimalistic decor are key in staging a home for a quick sale. Buyers want to see a clean canvas where they can project their own style and personality.”

Says John Doe, Home Stager

2. Deep Clean Every Nook and Cranny: Sparkle and Shine

A pristine and spotless home makes a lasting impression on potential buyers. When it comes to tips to stage your home, prioritizing a thorough cleaning routine is essential to ensure every corner of your home sparkles. From baseboards to ceiling fans, leaving no surface untouched demonstrates the meticulous care you have put into maintaining your property. For an extra touch of excellence, consider hiring professional cleaners who specialize in deep cleaning services

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3. Create a Welcoming Entrance: First Impressions Matter

The entrance sets the tone for the entire home. Make it warm and inviting by adding a fresh coat of paint to the front door, polishing hardware, and updating house numbers. Enhance the ambiance with potted plants or flowers, and consider a new welcome mat for that extra touch of charm.

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4. Enhance Curb Appeal: Lure Buyers In

Curb appeal plays a vital role in attracting potential buyers. Spruce up your home’s exterior by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and adding colorful flowers to garden beds. Power-wash the driveway and walkways, ensuring they look impeccable. Remember, a beautiful exterior entices buyers to explore the interior.

“Don’t underestimate the power of curb appeal. The exterior of the home is the first thing potential buyers see, so investing in landscaping, fresh paint, and welcoming entryways can make a lasting impression.”

Says Michael Williams, Real Estate Stager

5. Stage Each Room with a Purpose: Highlight Functionality

Mark Scott

Buyers want to see how each room can be utilized effectively. Arrange furniture in a way that showcases the purpose of the space. For example, create a cozy reading nook or a home office area. Highlighting the functionality of each room helps buyers imagine themselves using the space to their advantage.

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6. Maximize Natural Light: Let the Sunshine In

Bright and well-lit rooms create an open and spacious feel. Maximize natural light by opening curtains and blinds during showings. Replace heavy drapes with light and airy ones. Mirrors strategically placed across from windows can also reflect light, making rooms appear larger and more inviting.

“Lighting plays a significant role in setting the mood and highlighting key features of a home. Natural light is always preferred, so ensure curtains are open and rooms are well-lit during showings.”

Says Emily Johnson, Interior Decorator

7. Neutralize Colors: Appeal to a Broad Audience

While vibrant colors may reflect your personal style, they can be a distraction for potential buyers. Opt for a neutral color palette throughout the house, including walls, furniture, and decor. Neutral tones create a blank canvas for buyers, allowing them to visualize their own personal style.

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8. Rearrange Furniture: Optimize Flow and Space

Carolyn Barber

Consider the layout of your furniture and aim for a harmonious flow in each room. Arrange furniture in a way that maximizes space and creates natural pathways. Remove excess pieces that make the room appear cramped. The goal is to showcase the potential of each room, not overcrowd it.

9. Showcase Storage Solutions: Highlight Organization

Ample storage is a coveted feature for potential buyers. Showcase your home’s storage solutions to highlight its organizational potential. Clear out unnecessary items from closets, cabinets, and pantries to create a sense of spaciousness. Arrange items neatly, utilizing storage bins and organizers to showcase the functionality of each space.

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10. Create a Cozy Atmosphere: Warm and Inviting


One of the tips to stage your home is to aim for a cozy atmosphere that welcomes potential buyers. Add soft, textured throws and cushions to sofas and beds. Use warm lighting, such as table lamps and floor lamps, to create a relaxing ambiance. Scented candles or fresh flowers can also add a pleasant fragrance, leaving a lasting impression on potential buyers.

11. Upgrade Key Features: Small Changes, Big Impact

Consider making small upgrades to key features in your home to make it more appealing to buyers. Replace outdated light fixtures, faucets, and cabinet hardware with modern alternatives. These minor changes can have a significant impact on the overall aesthetic and perceived value of your home.

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12. Highlight Outdoor Living Spaces: Extend the Potential

If your home has outdoor living spaces, such as a patio or garden, make sure to stage them as well. Arrange outdoor furniture, add colorful cushions, and create a cozy outdoor oasis. Buyers often envision themselves enjoying these areas, so make sure they appear inviting and well-maintained.

13. Pay Attention to Details: Polished and Perfected

Another important tip to stage your home is to not overlook the power of attention to detail. Polish all surfaces, including mirrors, countertops, and appliances. Replace burnt-out light bulbs and fix any minor repairs. Hang fresh towels in the bathrooms and consider adding tasteful decor accents, such as artwork or statement pieces, to elevate the overall aesthetic.

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14. Take Professional-Quality Photographs: Captivate Online Buyers


In today’s digital age, the majority of buyers begin their home search online. To capture their attention, it’s essential to have high-quality photographs that showcase your staged home. Consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in real estate photography. These captivating images will entice potential buyers to schedule showings.

15. Seek Professional Staging Assistance: Expertise Matters

If you feel overwhelmed or uncertain about staging your home, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Home staging professionals have the expertise and experience to transform your space into a buyer’s dream. They understand current market trends and know how to highlight your home’s best features effectively. There you have it, 15 best tips to stage your home to sell faster. By following these tips you can get your home stage like a pro and sell it fast.

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What’s The Cost of Home Staging

The cost of home staging can vary depending on various factors, such as the size of the property, the extent of the staging required, and the location. On average, professional home staging services can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. 

The cost typically includes the initial consultation, where the stager assesses the property and provides recommendations, as well as the actual staging process, which involves furniture rental, decor, and accessories. Additional costs may be incurred for storage, transportation, and any necessary repairs or upgrades. It’s important to note that while there is an initial investment, the potential return on investment can outweigh the cost of staging. 

A well-staged home can attract more potential buyers, potentially leading to quicker offers and higher selling prices. Ultimately, the cost of home staging should be viewed as an investment in maximizing the appeal and value of your property, leading to a successful sale. 

It’s advisable to consult with professional stagers to get a more accurate cost estimate based on your specific needs and property.

Is Home Staging Worth The Investment?


Many sellers often wonder if home staging is worth the investment, and the answer is a resounding yes. While there is an upfront cost associated with staging, it is an investment that can yield significant returns. 

Staged homes have been shown to sell faster and at higher prices compared to non-staged homes. By presenting your property in its best possible light, you create a competitive edge in the real estate market. Staging helps potential buyers visualize themselves living in the space, increasing their emotional connection and likelihood of making an offer. 

Additionally, the cost of staging is often much lower than the potential price reduction you might face if your home stays on the market for an extended period. In essence, staging is an investment in maximizing the value of your home and minimizing time on the market. 

The impact of staging goes beyond aesthetics; it can create a perception of a well-maintained and move-in-ready property, attracting a broader range of buyers. Ultimately, the return on investment from a successful and timely sale justifies the expense of home staging and makes it a worthwhile endeavor for sellers.

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Is It Better To Sell Home Stage or Empty?

Modern living room transformation-how-to-stage-a-home

When it comes to selling a house, staging has proven to be highly advantageous compared to selling an empty property. While an empty house may allow potential buyers to envision their own furnishings and style, it lacks the warmth, visual appeal, and emotional connection that staging can provide. 

Staging helps create a lived-in atmosphere that allows buyers to imagine themselves in the space, showcasing the property’s potential. It helps highlight the functionality of each room and showcases the scale of furniture and decor. Staging can also draw attention to the home’s best features, creating a lasting impression and a sense of desirability. 

Additionally, staged homes tend to photograph better and stand out in online listings, attracting a larger pool of interested buyers. Ultimately, staging gives the property a polished and inviting appearance, making it more likely to sell faster and potentially at a higher price. 

Therefore, it is generally recommended to stage a house rather than leaving it empty when aiming for a successful and profitable sale in the real estate market.

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Difference Between Staging a Home by Yourself VS Hiring a Professional Home Stager

While it is possible to stage a home by oneself, there are distinct differences between DIY staging and hiring a professional home stager. DIY staging involves the homeowner taking on the responsibility of preparing and presenting the home for sale. This typically involves decluttering, cleaning, rearranging furniture, and adding some basic decor. 

While it can be a cost-effective option, DIY staging may lack the expertise and industry knowledge that a professional home stager brings to the table. Professional home stagers have a deep understanding of design principles, current market trends, and buyer preferences. 

They have the experience and resources to create a cohesive and visually appealing presentation that maximizes the home’s potential. Professional stagers often have access to a vast inventory of furniture, decor, and accessories that can transform the space. They know how to strategically arrange furniture to optimize flow and highlight the home’s best features. 

Additionally, they can offer valuable advice on color schemes, lighting, and other elements that enhance the overall aesthetic. The expertise of a professional stager can make a significant difference in the impression your home makes on potential buyers and ultimately lead to a faster and more successful sale.

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Benefits of Hiring A Professional Stager

Hiring a professional home stager is another opting if you find the tips to stage your home a little challenging. A home stager brings a multitude of benefits to the selling process. Firstly, professional stagers have an expert eye for design and can transform your home into a visually appealing and marketable space. They possess a deep understanding of current design trends and buyer preferences, allowing them to showcase your home’s best features effectively. 

A professional stager will have access to a wide range of furniture, decor, and accessories to enhance the overall aesthetic and create a cohesive look throughout your home. They have the knowledge to strategically arrange furniture and decor to optimize the flow and functionality of each room, making them more appealing to potential buyers. 

Additionally, a professional stager can depersonalize your home, removing personal items and creating a neutral canvas that allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space. They can also address any specific concerns or challenges in your home, such as odd room layouts or limited square footage, and find creative solutions to make the most of these areas. 

Ultimately, hiring a professional home stager adds significant value to your selling process by maximizing your home’s appeal, attracting more potential buyers, and potentially leading to a faster and more profitable sale.

Is It Better To Sell By Homeowner Or Hire A Professional Realtor

homeowner vs a realtor

Deciding whether to sell your home by owner or hire a realtor is an important consideration when aiming to sell your home quickly. While selling by owner may seem appealing to save on commission fees, it can often be a challenging and time-consuming process. 

Realtors bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources to the table, which can significantly expedite the selling process. They have a deep understanding of the local real estate market, can accurately price your home, and have access to a wide network of potential buyers. 

Realtors are skilled negotiators who can help navigate complex paperwork, handle showings and open houses, and market your home effectively. They also provide professional staging advice, ensuring your home is presented in its best light. Additionally, realtors have the expertise to handle unexpected issues that may arise during the transaction, ensuring a smoother and faster sale. 

While selling by owner may initially seem like a cost-saving option, the assistance of a professional realtor often leads to a faster and more successful sale, ultimately outweighing the commission fees. Their expertise and resources can help attract qualified buyers and streamline the selling process, making it a wise choice for homeowners looking to sell their home quickly.

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Staging your home to sell faster is a strategic and worthwhile investment that can significantly impact the outcome of your sale. By implementing the 15 best tips to stage your home we’ve discussed throughout this article, you can effectively transform your property into an irresistible space that captures the hearts and imaginations of potential buyers. 

From decluttering and depersonalizing to enhancing curb appeal, optimizing lighting, and creating inviting living spaces, each tip plays a vital role in creating a lasting impression and maximizing the perceived value of your home. 

Remember, each step you take towards staging your home brings you closer to achieving your goal of selling faster. So take charge, apply these tips, and watch as your staged home captures the attention and hearts of potential buyers. Happy staging, and best of luck in your selling journey!

FAQs: Tips to Stage Your Home to Sell Faster

Q: Is home staging necessary for all types of homes, or is it more suitable for certain properties?

Answer: While home staging can benefit all types of homes, it is particularly valuable for properties that are vacant, have outdated or unappealing furnishings, or are in need of visual enhancement. Staging helps create an emotional connection with potential buyers and highlights the unique features of your home, regardless of its style or size.

Q: Can I stage my home on a limited budget?

Answer: Absolutely! Staging can be done on a budget by focusing on key areas and making strategic improvements. Simple tasks such as decluttering, deep cleaning, repainting walls, and rearranging furniture can make a significant difference. Additionally, utilizing affordable decor and accessories, such as fresh flowers or stylish throw pillows, can add a touch of charm without breaking the bank.

Q: How long does the staging process usually take?

Answer: The duration of the staging process depends on the size of your home, the scope of the staging required, and the availability of resources. In general, staging can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. It’s essential to plan ahead and allow ample time to complete the necessary tasks to ensure a seamless staging experience.

Q: Should I stage every room in my home, or are certain rooms more important than others?

Answer: While staging every room is ideal, certain rooms have more impact on buyers and should be prioritized. The living room, kitchen, owner’s bedroom, and dining room are among the most crucial spaces to stage. These areas tend to be focal points for potential buyers, as they are spaces where they envision themselves spending a significant amount of time. However, it’s important to maintain a cohesive flow throughout the entire home, ensuring that each room complements the overall staging effort.

Q: Can I stage my home myself, or should I hire a professional home stager?

Answer: Staging your home yourself is possible, but hiring a professional home stager can greatly enhance the results. Professional stagers bring expertise, creativity, and a trained eye for design, ensuring that your home is staged to its full potential. They have access to a wide range of furniture, decor, and accessories, as well as industry knowledge on current trends and buyer preferences. Their objective perspective can help highlight your home’s strengths and downplay any potential weaknesses, ultimately increasing its market appeal.

Q: Will staging guarantee a faster sale and higher selling price?

Answer: While staging significantly improves your chances of a faster sale and potentially higher selling price, it does not guarantee these outcomes. Staging creates a more visually appealing and inviting environment, which can attract more buyers and generate more interest. However, market conditions, location, pricing, and other factors also play a role in the selling process. Staging is a powerful tool that increases the likelihood of a successful sale, but it is essential to consider all aspects of the selling strategy to achieve the best results.



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