How To Decorate Your Home From Scratch

How To Decorate Your Home From Scratch: Tips and Tricks for a Stunning Home

Decorating your home from scratch can be a fun and exciting process, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to start. Creating a beautiful and functional space that reflects your personal style and meets your needs requires careful planning and attention to detail. With so many decorating styles, colors, and trends to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to begin.


That’s why it’s important to start with a clear vision and a plan of action. By taking the time to understand your personal style, set goals, and create a decorating plan, you can transform your home into a space that you love and enjoy spending time in. In this article, we’ll share tips and advice on how to create a home decor plan, select furniture and accessories, and bring your vision to life, one room at a time. Whether you’re looking to update your current space or decorate your home from scratch, this guide will help you navigate the process with confidence and creativity.

1. Start by Creating a Plan For Each Room and Goals

Setting goals to decorate your home from scratch can help you stay focused and motivated as you decorate your home from scratch and create your dream space. To begin, consider the function and purpose of each room. Are you creating a cozy living room for family time, a functional home office for productivity, or a serene bedroom for rest and relaxation? Identifying the purpose of each space will help guide your decorating decisions and ensure that your design meets your needs.

Find Your Personal Style

Next, think about your personal style and the aesthetic you want to achieve. Are you drawn to modern, minimalist decor or do you prefer a more eclectic and colorful style? Consider creating a mood board or Pinterest board to help you visualize your ideal look and feel for each room.

Set Goals

Once you have a clear vision for your space, set specific and measurable goals for each room. This could include selecting a color scheme, purchasing furniture and decor, or completing a DIY project. Be sure to break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to help you stay on track.

Establish a Timeline

Finally, establish a timeline for completing your decorating goals. This will help you prioritize your tasks and stay accountable to your goals. Consider setting deadlines for completing each task and holding yourself accountable to them.

By setting clear goals and establishing a plan for decorating your home from scratch and achieving them, you can create a beautiful and functional home that reflects your personal style and meets your needs.

Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Identify the primary function: Determine the primary function of the room and its specific needs. For example, a bedroom needs a bed, storage for clothes, and a place to get ready.
  • Consider secondary functions: Consider any secondary functions that the room may serve, such as a home office in a spare bedroom or a play area in a living room.
  • Evaluate current furniture: Evaluate the current furniture and decor in the room and determine what can be kept and what needs to be replaced.
  • Determine a budget: Set a budget for the room and prioritize spending on the most important items, such as a comfortable sofa for the living room or a high-quality mattress for the bedroom.
  • Optimize storage: Incorporate storage solutions to ensure that the room is functional and clutter-free. This can include items such as bookshelves, storage ottomans, or built-in storage solutions.
  • Choose versatile furniture: Select versatile furniture that can be used for multiple purposes, such as a sofa bed or a storage ottoman that doubles as seating.
  • Get rid of unnecessary items: Declutter the room by getting rid of unnecessary items that don’t serve a purpose or detract from the overall design.

By following these tips, you can effectively identify the function and needs of each room, set a budget, and choose the right furniture and decor to create a functional and stylish space.

2. How To Find Your Style

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Discovering your personal decor style can seem complicated, but there are some easy ways to find it. One of the simplest ways to find your personal decor style is to look for inspiration around you. Take note of the colors, patterns, and textures that catch your eye and make you feel happy and comfortable.

“Finding your personal style is key to creating a home that truly reflects you. It’s not about following trends, but about curating a space with pieces that resonate with your personality, interests, and way of life. When your home reflects who you are, it becomes a place of comfort, inspiration, and joy.”

Says Interior Designer, Michelle Nussbaumer

Another way to find your personal style is to take a quiz or assessment online. Many home decor websites offer quizzes that can help you identify your personal style based on your preferences and lifestyle. These quizzes can provide helpful insight and inspiration as you begin to curate your home.

It can also be helpful to create a mood board or Pinterest board that includes images and ideas that resonate with you. This can help you identify patterns in your preferences and create a cohesive vision for your personal style.

Lastly, when you decorate your home from scratch, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Decor styles can evolve over time, and it’s okay to mix and match elements from different styles until you find the combination that feels just right. By exploring your preferences and trying new things, you can discover your personal decor style and create a home that truly reflects your unique personality and taste.

If you are looking for a way to style your space with wall art without breaking your piggy bank, then I recommend reading “10 Surprising Benefits of Printable Wall Art

3. Here are 5 popular decor styles to Consider  

Traditional Decor Style

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Image Via: Next

Traditional decor style is a classic and elegant approach to interior design that is inspired by the styles of the past, such as the 18th and 19th centuries. It features a mix of rich and warm colors, luxurious fabrics, ornate furniture, and decorative accessories, such as chandeliers, tapestries, and sculptures. The traditional style is characterized by a sense of formality and symmetry, with a focus on creating a cohesive and harmonious look. 

This style often includes elements such as wood paneling, molding, and trim, as well as architectural details such as columns and arches. Traditional decor style is perfect for those who appreciate the timeless beauty of classic design and want to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in their home.

Farmhouse Decor Style

Image Via: The Expert / Leanne Ford Interiors

Farmhouse decor style is a popular design trend that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in rural and suburban areas. This style is inspired by the traditional homes found on farms and rural properties, and it emphasizes simplicity, comfort, and functionality. The farmhouse decor style features a neutral color palette with shades of white, beige, and gray, and incorporates natural materials such as wood, stone, and metal. 

Furniture and decor items are often distressed or have a vintage look, creating a sense of rustic charm. Textiles such as linen and burlap are commonly used, along with woven baskets, galvanized metal accents, and mason jars. This style is perfect for those who want to create a cozy, welcoming atmosphere that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Modern Decor Style

Image Via: Stephen Kent Johnson

Modern decor style is a sleek and minimalist approach to interior design that emphasizes clean lines, simple shapes, and a neutral color palette. It draws inspiration from the modernist art movement of the early 20th century and is characterized by a focus on function and form. Modern decor style features a combination of materials such as glass, metal, and concrete, as well as smooth surfaces and reflective materials such as mirrors and polished metals. 

Furniture is often low-profile and streamlined, with an emphasis on geometric shapes and angles. This style also incorporates a lot of natural light and often features large windows to bring the outdoors in. Modern decor style is perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of simplicity and want to create a contemporary and sophisticated atmosphere in their home.

Eclectic Decor Style

Image Via: Kelly Wearstler

Eclectic decor style is a unique and individualized approach to interior design that combines elements from a variety of different styles and eras. This style is all about mixing and matching, creating a unique and personalized look that reflects the owner’s personality and tastes. Eclectic decor style incorporates a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures, often in unexpected ways. It is not afraid to mix high-end pieces with thrift store finds or sentimental items, creating a truly one-of-a-kind space. 

Furniture and decor items can come from a variety of styles, such as mid-century modern, industrial, or bohemian, and can be combined in creative and unexpected ways. Eclectic decor style is perfect for those who want to express their creativity and personality through their home decor and create a space that is truly unique and reflective of their individual style.

Scandinavian Decor Style

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Scandinavian decor style is a minimalist and functional approach to interior design that originated in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. This style is all about simplicity, functionality, and natural elements. Scandinavian decor style features a neutral color palette with shades of white, gray, and beige, with occasional pops of color. It emphasizes natural light, clean lines, and a lack of clutter. 

Furniture is often made of natural materials such as wood and leather and features simple, streamlined designs. Textiles such as wool and fur are used to add warmth and texture to the space. Decor items such as candles, plants, and artwork are used sparingly, adding a touch of personality and charm to the space. This style is perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of simplicity and want to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere in their home.

4. Choose a Color Scheme

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One of the easiest ways to create a cohesive and stylish interior design when you decorate your home from scratch is by choosing a color scheme that reflects your personality and style. Consider the mood you want to create in each room and select colors that complement each other and create a harmonious palette. You can use a color wheel or online tools to find the right combination of colors and experiment with different shades and tones.

Consider the Mood

First, consider the mood you want to create in the room. Do you want a calming and peaceful atmosphere or a bold and energetic one? This will help guide your color choices.

Select Dominant Color

Next, select a dominant color for the room. This will be the main color that sets the tone for the space. Consider using a neutral color, such as white, beige, or gray, as the dominant color to create a timeless and classic look.

Select Two Accent Colors

Once you have your dominant color, select one or two accent colors to complement it. These can be bolder, brighter colors or muted tones, depending on the mood you want to create.

Use 60-30-10 Rule

When choosing your colors, consider the 60-30-10 rule. This means that 60% of the room should be the dominant color, 30% should be the secondary color, and 10% should be the accent color. This creates a balanced and cohesive look.

Finally, when you decorate your home from scratch don’t forget to consider the finishes in the room, such as flooring, furniture, and decor. Make sure your color scheme complements these elements to create a harmonious and visually appealing space. By following these easy tips, you can create a beautiful and well-coordinated color scheme for any room in your home.

5. How To Choose a Mood For a Room

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Now let’s talk about choosing a mood for a room since is an important aspect of interior design, and it can greatly impact the overall feel of the space when you decorate your home from scratch. To start, consider the function of the room and how you want people to feel when they are in it.

For example, a bedroom should feel relaxing and calming, while a home office should feel focused and energizing. Once you have a general idea of the mood you want to create, consider the colors, textures, and patterns that will help you achieve it. Warm colors like red and yellow can create a cozy, inviting mood, while cooler colors like blue and green can create a calming, serene mood. 

Textures like plush fabrics or rough-hewn wood can also play a role in creating a specific mood. It’s important to choose elements that work together to create a cohesive and intentional feel in the room. Creating a mood board can be a helpful tool in visualizing the different elements and ensuring they work well together.

6. Invest in Quality Furniture: Make Your Home Comfortable and Functional


Furniture is one of the most important elements when you decorate your home from scratch, and it can make a big difference in the comfort and functionality of your space. Invest in quality furniture pieces that are durable, comfortable, and stylish, and that match your style and needs. Consider the size and layout of each room, the flow of traffic, and the function of each space when selecting furniture.

“Investing in quality furniture is an investment in your home and your well-being. Well-made pieces will not only last for years, but they’ll also provide superior comfort and craftsmanship that you can appreciate every day. It’s better to have a few high-quality pieces you love than a room full of temporary furniture that won’t stand the test of time.”

Says Decorator, Nate Berkus

Here are some tips to help you select the right furniture:

  • Determine your needs: Determine what you need in terms of functionality, style, and comfort. Consider the room’s size, your lifestyle, and how you plan to use the space.
  • Measure the space: Measure the room and any doorways, hallways, or stairwells that the furniture will need to fit through. This will ensure that you select pieces that will fit in the space.
  • Consider the style: Consider the overall style of your home and select furniture that complements it. You can mix and match styles, but be sure that the pieces work well together.
  • Test for comfort: Test the furniture for comfort. Sit on sofas and chairs, lie on beds, and test out any other pieces that you plan to use frequently.
  • Look for quality: Invest in high-quality furniture that will last. Look for well-made pieces with sturdy frames, durable fabrics, and quality construction.
  • Stick to a budget: Set a budget and stick to it. While it can be tempting to splurge on expensive pieces, there are plenty of affordable options that are still stylish and functional.

By following these tips, you can select furniture that fits your needs, style, and budget, while creating a comfortable and functional living space.

7. Space Planning

Space planning is an important aspect of home decor and involves arranging furniture and decor in a way that optimizes the use of space and enhances the functionality of a room. 

Here are some tips to help you with space planning:

  • Measure your space: Before you begin space planning, it’s important to measure the room and create a floor plan. This will help you determine the amount of space you have to work with and avoid any potential issues with furniture or decor that is too big or small.
  • Determine the purpose of the room: Consider the primary purpose of the room and how it will be used. This will help you determine the necessary furniture and decor, as well as the layout of the space.
  • Create zones: Divide the room into functional zones, such as a seating area, workspace, or storage area. This will help you optimize the use of space and ensure that each zone serves its intended purpose.
  • Consider traffic flow: Ensure that there is enough space for people to move around the room comfortably without bumping into furniture or decor.
  • Choose the right furniture: Select furniture that is appropriately scaled for the space and fits the style and function of the room. Avoid overcrowding the room with too much furniture or selecting pieces that are too big or small for the space.
  • Utilize vertical space: Consider using vertical space, such as wall shelves or tall bookcases, to maximize storage and display space.
  • Experiment with different layouts: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different furniture and decor layouts to find the one that works best for the space and your needs.

By following these tips, you can effectively space plan your rooms and create a home that is both stylish and functional.

8. Accessorize Your Home: Add Personality and Charm


Accessories are the finishing touches that can elevate your home from ordinary to extraordinary. They can add personality, style, taste, charm, and visual interest to any room, and they are an easy and affordable way to update your decor. 

Think about the colors, textures, and patterns that you want to incorporate, and choose accessories that reflect your style and taste. You can use art, rugs, throw pillows, curtains, and other decorative items to create a cohesive and inviting look.

Here are some tips to help you accessorize your home:

  • Start with a color scheme: Select a color scheme and choose accessories that complement it. This will create a cohesive look and tie the room together.
  • Vary the textures: Mix and match textures to add depth and interest to the room. Consider incorporating textiles, such as throw pillows and blankets, or natural materials, such as wood and stone.
  • Create a focal point: Use accessories to create a focal point in the room. This can be a piece of art, a unique piece of furniture, or a bold accessory.
  • Use scale and proportion: Consider the scale and proportion of the accessories in relation to the furniture and the room. Larger rooms can handle larger accessories, while smaller rooms need smaller pieces.
  • Group items: Group accessories together in threes or fives for a cohesive look. Consider arranging them on a tray or shelf to create a styled vignette.
  • Edit and simplify: Don’t overdo it with accessories. Edit and simplify to create a more streamlined and cohesive look.

By following these tips, you can select and arrange accessories that add personality and style to your home, while creating a cohesive and polished look.

9. Embrace Natural Light: Make the Most of Your Windows


Natural light is one of the most important elements of any home, and it can make a big difference in the ambiance and mood of your space. Make the most of your windows by choosing the right window treatments, such as curtains or blinds, that allow you to control the amount of light and privacy you need. You can also use mirrors, reflective surfaces, and light-colored walls to enhance the natural light and create a brighter and more spacious feel.

“Natural light is a powerful design tool. It can completely transform a space, making it feel larger, brighter, and more inviting. By strategically placing furniture and using reflective surfaces, I can control and enhance the natural light throughout a room, creating a truly dynamic atmosphere.”

Says Interior Designer, Paloma Contreras

10. Don’t Forget About Storage: Keep Your Home Organized and Tidy

Storage is an essential element when you decorate your home from scratch, and it can help you keep your space organized and tidy. Consider the storage needs of each room, and choose furniture pieces that offer ample storage space, such as bookshelves, cabinets, and storage ottomans. You can also use decorative boxes, baskets, and containers to keep your belongings in order and add a stylish touch to your decor.

11. Tackle One Room at a Time

When it comes to decorating your home, it can be tempting to try to tackle the entire house at once. However, this approach can quickly become overwhelming and may result in a disjointed and uncoordinated look. Instead, consider starting with one room at a time.

By focusing on one room at a time, you can give each space the attention it deserves and ensure that it reflects your style and meets your needs. This approach also allows you to better manage your time and budget, as you can prioritize the most important rooms and projects.

To start, choose a room that you use frequently or one that requires the most attention. Begin by decluttering and organizing the space, which can help you better visualize the potential of the room and make it easier to decorate.

Next, establish a color scheme and select furnishings and decor that fit the style and function of the room. Be sure to take measurements and consider the scale and proportion of each piece in relation to the space. Remember that less is often more, so don’t overcrowd the room with too many furnishings or accessories.

Once the room is furnished and decorated, take some time to live with it and make any necessary adjustments. This may involve rearranging furniture or adding or subtracting decor elements to create the desired look and feel.

By starting with one room at a time when you decorate your home from scratch, you can create a home that is both stylish and functional, while avoiding the stress and overwhelm of trying to tackle the entire house at once.

12. Create a Moodboard

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Creating a moodboard is optional but it can be an important step in the home decorating process. A moodboard is a visual representation of your desired style, color scheme, and overall aesthetic. It helps to bring all of your ideas and inspirations together in one place, making it easier to see how they work together and create a cohesive look.

“Mood boards are a great way to visually define the overall aesthetic you’re going for in a space. They help you see if all the elements you love come together cohesively before you invest in anything.”

Says Interior Designer, Kelly Wearstler

To create a moodboard, start by collecting images, fabric swatches, paint samples, and any other materials that inspire you. You can use online resources like Pinterest or create a physical board using a corkboard or foam board. Arrange your materials on the board in a way that makes sense to you, keeping in mind your desired style and color scheme. Once your moodboard is complete, when you decorate your home from scratch, you can refer to it throughout the decorating process to ensure that you are staying true to your desired aesthetic. The process of creating a mood board can be fun and creative, and it can help you to feel more confident in your decorating decisions.

13. Best Places to Shop for Your New Furniture

When it comes to shopping for furniture, there are many options to choose from. One of the most convenient ways to shop is online, where you can browse a wide selection of products from the comfort of your own home. Online furniture retailers such as Wayfair, Amazon, and Overstock offer a vast selection of furniture at competitive prices, and many offer free shipping and easy returns.

For those who prefer to shop in person, furniture stores such as Ikea, Pottery Barn, and Crate and Barrel offer a variety of styles and price points. Local furniture stores and thrift shops can also be a great option for unique pieces and one-of-a-kind finds. Whichever option you choose, be sure to do your research and compare prices and quality before making a purchase.


Creating a home that reflects your personal style and meets your functional needs can be a rewarding and enjoyable process. With the right planning, budgeting, and design choices, you can transform your space into a place that feels like home. Remember to take the time to evaluate your needs and preferences, set achievable goals, and prioritize your budget accordingly.

Whether you prefer a traditional, modern, farmhouse, or eclectic style, there are countless resources available to help you achieve the look and feel you desire. By following the tips and advice outlined in this article, you can decorate your home from scratch one room at a time, and create a space that you’ll love for years to come.

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How To Decorate Your Home From Scratch-FAQs

Q: How do I find my personal decorating style?

A: One way to find your personal decorating style is to look for inspiration in magazines, online resources, and social media platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram. You can also take a style quiz, evaluate your existing furniture and decor, and consider your personal preferences and lifestyle.

Q: What is the best way to create a decorating plan?

A: The best way to create a decorating plan is to start by assessing your needs and goals for each room, determining your budget, and identifying any existing furniture or decor that you want to keep or replace. From there, you can create a moodboard, sketch a layout, and make a list of the items you need to purchase.

Q: How do I select the right furniture for my home?

A: When selecting furniture for your home, it’s important to consider the size of your space, the style and color palette you’re going for, and your functional needs. It’s also a good idea to look for furniture that is high-quality and durable, as well as comfortable and visually appealing.

Q: How can I accessorize my home?

A: To accessorize your home, consider adding decorative items such as throw pillows, artwork, rugs, and curtains. You can also incorporate plants and other natural elements, and play with lighting to create ambiance.

Q: Where can I shop for furniture?

A: There are many places to shop for furniture, including big-box retailers, specialty furniture stores, online retailers, and thrift stores. It’s important to shop around to find the best deals and quality furniture that fits your personal style and budget.

Q: Should I decorate my whole house at once or one room at a time?

A: It’s generally recommended to start decorating one room at a time, as it can be overwhelming and costly to try to decorate your whole house at once. Starting with one room allows you to focus on creating a cohesive design and to adjust your plan and budget as needed before moving on to other areas.

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