
How to Decorate an Airbnb House for Maximum Capacity

Decorating an Airbnb house can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be an incredibly rewarding and profitable venture. With the rise of the sharing economy and the increasing popularity of short-term rentals, there has never been a better time to invest in an Airbnb property. However, with so many properties available, it’s important to create a space that stands out from the crowd and attracts guests from all over the world.

When decorating an Airbnb house, the goal is to create a comfortable and stylish space that meets the needs of your guests while also reflecting your personal style and taste. From choosing the right furnishings and decor to providing the right amenities and features, there are many factors to consider when creating an inviting and memorable Airbnb space.

But beyond simply creating a beautiful space, the ultimate goal of an Airbnb host is to maximize occupancy and revenue. By creating a space that is comfortable, stylish, and well-equipped, you can attract more guests and receive positive reviews, which can lead to more bookings and increased revenue over time.

In this post, we will explore some key tips and strategies for decorating an Airbnb house for maximum capacity, from choosing the right furnishings and decor to providing the amenities and features that guests love. Whether you’re a new Airbnb host looking to make a splash or an experienced host looking to improve your space, these tips will help you create a successful and profitable Airbnb property that guests will love.

In this post:

What’s an Airbnb?

How to get started owning an Airbnb business

Understanding your target audience

Decorate your Airbnb for your ideal guest

Provide the basic features that your guest needs

How to furnish your Airbnb

How to maximize space with clever furniture and layout

Keep it simple and cohesive

Focus on comfort and practicality

Where to spend your money to get the most in your Airbnb

Consider the little things

Consider using hotel-style white bedding 

Don’t use cheap furnishings and materials

What adds more value to your Airbnb

What to avoid when decorating and furnishing your Airbnb



What’s an Airbnb?

Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who need short-term accommodations with individuals or businesses that have available space to rent. Whether you’re a traveler looking for a unique and affordable place to stay, or a property owner looking to earn extra income by renting out your space, Airbnb offers a convenient and user-friendly platform to connect you with potential guests or hosts. Airbnb properties can range from spare bedrooms or guesthouses to luxury villas or unique and unconventional spaces like treehouses or yurts. As an Airbnb host, you can set your own pricing, availability, and house rules, and have the flexibility to manage your property on your own terms

How to Get Started Owning an Airbnb Business

If you’re interested in owning an Airbnb, the first step is to determine whether you have a suitable property to rent out. This could be a spare bedroom, a vacation home, or any other type of space that could potentially be used as a short-term rental. Once you’ve identified your property, you’ll need to make sure it meets the basic requirements for hosting on Airbnb, such as complying with local zoning laws and obtaining any necessary permits or licenses. You’ll also need to furnish and decorate your space to make it comfortable and appealing to guests and set a competitive price that reflects the local market and the amenities you’re offering. Finally, you’ll need to create a listing on Airbnb, which will involve uploading photos and descriptions of your property, setting your pricing and availability, and establishing your house rules and guest expectations. With a little research and preparation, owning an Airbnb can be a great way to earn extra income and share your unique space with travelers from around the world.

Understand Your Target Audience


Before you start decorating, it’s important to consider the type of guests your Airbnb is likely to attract. Are you catering to families, couples, or solo travelers? Are they looking for a luxury experience or a budget-friendly option? Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can tailor your decor to their needs and preferences.

For example, if you’re catering to families with young children, you might want to include child-friendly amenities like toys, books, and a high chair. If you’re targeting couples on a romantic getaway, you could add some candles, cozy blankets, and a bottle of wine to set the mood.

Decorate Your Airbnb For Your Ideal Guest


When decorating your Airbnb, it’s important to consider your target audience, it’s important to consider the preferences and needs of your ideal guest. Think about the type of guests you are targeting – are they young professionals, families, or couples on a romantic getaway? This will help you determine the style and amenities that will appeal to them. For example, if you are targeting families, you may want to include child-friendly features such as toys, books, and a high chair or crib. For young professionals, you may want to create a workspace with a desk and comfortable chair.

In addition to considering your target guest, it’s important to create a cohesive and welcoming atmosphere throughout the entire property. Choose a color scheme and style that reflects the location and mood of your Airbnb. Use artwork, decorative pillows, and accent pieces to add visual interest and personality to the space. And don’t forget to add some thoughtful touches such as fresh flowers, a welcome basket with snacks, and high-quality toiletries to make your guests feel pampered and appreciated.

Remember, the goal of decorating your Airbnb is to create an inviting and comfortable space that makes guests feel at home. By considering the preferences and needs of your ideal guest and adding thoughtful touches throughout the space, you can create a memorable experience that will keep guests coming back.

Provide the Basic Features That Your Guest Needs

Great wifi, comfy beds, hangers and closet space, good coffee, and local recommendations are just a few of the basic features every guest needs in an Airbnb. Fast and reliable wifi is essential for guests who need to work or stay connected during their stay. Comfortable beds with high-quality linens ensure guests get a good night’s sleep, while hangers and closet space provide ample storage for their belongings.

Providing good coffee and tea is another small touch that can make a big impact on guests. Investing in a quality coffee maker or French press, along with a selection of local beans or teas, can help create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

In addition to these basic features, it’s important to provide guests with information on how things work in your space and interesting things to do around the area. This can include providing a list of local restaurants and attractions, along with clear instructions on how to use appliances, heating and cooling systems, and other amenities in your Airbnb.

By providing these basic features and thoughtful touches, you can create a comfortable and memorable experience for your guests, leading to positive reviews, repeat bookings, and ultimately, increased revenue for your Airbnb.

If you are looking for a way to style your space with wall art without breaking your piggy bank, then I recommend reading “10 Surprising Benefits of Printable Wall Art

How to Furnish Your Airbnb 


Furnishing an Airbnb can be a daunting task, but with some planning and creativity, you can create a comfortable and stylish space that guests will love. First, determine the number of guests your space can accommodate and choose furnishings accordingly. Comfortable beds, quality linens, and ample storage space are essential for a successful Airbnb.

Next, consider the style and mood you want to create in your space. Choose furniture pieces and decor that reflect the location and vibe of your property. It’s important to strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics, so choose pieces that are comfortable and durable, but also stylish and on-trend.

When it comes to decor, choose artwork, throw pillows, and accent pieces that add personality and interest to the space. You can also add value by providing thoughtful touches such as a well-stocked kitchen, high-quality toiletries, and plenty of towels and linens.

Remember, furnishing an Airbnb is an investment, so it’s important to choose pieces that are durable and can withstand frequent use and cleaning. Consider investing in quality furniture and linens, as well as stain-resistant and easy-to-clean fabrics.

By following these tips and creating a comfortable and stylish space, you can attract more guests, receive positive reviews, and ultimately, increase revenue for your Airbnb.

How to Maximize Space with Clever Furniture and Layout


In an Airbnb, space is at a premium. To make the most of what you have, consider using multi-functional furniture pieces, such as a sofa bed or a coffee table with hidden storage. You can also use room dividers or curtains to create separate areas within a larger space.

When arranging furniture, make sure to leave enough room for guests to move around easily. You want to avoid cluttered or cramped spaces, which can make guests feel uncomfortable.

Keep it Simple and Cohesive

When it comes to decor, less is often more. It’s better to have a few well-chosen pieces that create a cohesive look than to clutter your space with too many accessories.

To create a cohesive look, consider choosing a color scheme or theme that works for your space. For example, you could use a beachy color palette of blues and whites for a coastal Airbnb, or opt for a minimalist aesthetic with neutral colors and clean lines.

Focus on Comfort and Practicality

Guests want to feel comfortable and at home in your Airbnb. Make sure to provide plenty of pillows, blankets, and towels, as well as essential amenities like toiletries and a hairdryer.

You can also add some cozy touches like throw pillows, soft rugs, and curtains to make the space feel warm and inviting. And don’t forget to provide practical amenities like a well-stocked kitchen with cooking essentials and a coffee maker.

Where to Spend Your Money to Get the Most Value in Your Airbnb


When it comes to furnishing and decorating your Airbnb, it’s important to spend your money wisely to get the most value. Focus on investing in items that will have the most impact on guest comfort and satisfaction, such as comfortable beds, quality linens, and a well-stocked kitchen.

In addition, consider investing in amenities that will set your Airbnb apart from the competition, such as a hot tub, fireplace, or outdoor space for entertaining. These features can help create a memorable experience for guests and make your Airbnb more desirable.

Don’t overlook the importance of cleanliness and maintenance in your Airbnb. Spending money on regular cleaning and upkeep, as well as quality cleaning products and supplies, can help ensure your space is always in top condition for guests.

When it comes to decor, focus on items that add personality and interest to the space, such as artwork, throw pillows, and accent pieces. Consider shopping at discount stores or second-hand shops to save money on these items, while still adding visual interest to your space.

By spending your money wisely and investing in items that will have the most impact on guest comfort and satisfaction, you can create a successful and profitable Airbnb.

Consider the Little Things

Finally, don’t overlook the small details that can make a big impact on your guests’ experience. Good lighting is essential, so make sure to provide lamps and dimmer switches to create a cozy ambiance. Window treatments like curtains or blinds can also make a big difference in the look and feel of a room.

Other small touches to consider include providing a welcome basket with snacks and drinks, or leaving a handwritten note to greet your guests upon arrival.

Consider Using Hotel-Style White Bedding

Image: wilkinslinen

One way to create a luxurious and welcoming atmosphere in your Airbnb is to use hotel-style white bedding. Crisp white sheets, fluffy duvets, and plush pillows can instantly elevate the look and feel of a bedroom. Plus, white bedding is versatile and easy to clean, making it a practical choice for a rental property. 

To make your white bedding feel even more inviting, consider adding some texture with a chunky knit throw or a faux fur accent pillow. You can also layer different shades of white and cream for a cozy and layered look. Just make sure to use high-quality bedding that is comfortable and durable enough to withstand frequent washing and use. 

Don’t Use Cheap Furnishings and Materials

While it may be tempting to cut corners and save money by using cheap furnishings and materials in your Airbnb, it can actually end up costing you in the long run. Cheap materials are often low-quality and prone to wear and tear, which can result in frequent replacements and repairs. This can lead to negative reviews from guests who may feel that the property is poorly maintained or not worth the cost.

Additionally, cheap furnishings and materials can negatively impact the overall guest experience. Uncomfortable beds, scratchy towels, and flimsy furniture can all detract from the comfort and enjoyment of your guests’ stay. This can result in lower occupancy rates, fewer repeat bookings, and ultimately, a loss of revenue.

Investing in high-quality furnishings and materials, on the other hand, can help you attract more guests and receive better reviews. Guests are more likely to appreciate and enjoy a space that is thoughtfully designed and well-appointed with comfortable and durable furnishings. It’s worth the extra investment to create a welcoming and comfortable environment that guests will want to return to and recommend to others.

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What Adds More Value To your Airbnb


Adding value to your Airbnb means providing guests with an experience that goes beyond the basic necessities of a place to sleep. In addition to comfortable furnishings and amenities, there are several other elements that can add value and make your Airbnb stand out from the competition.

First, consider the location of your property. A prime location close to popular tourist destinations or business districts can be a major draw for guests. If your property is not in a prime location, you can still add value by providing guests with easy access to transportation or local attractions.

Second, focus on creating a memorable experience for your guests. This can include providing unique amenities such as a hot tub, fireplace, or outdoor space for entertaining. You can also add value by providing local recommendations for restaurants, shops, and activities, or offering personalized services such as grocery delivery or airport transportation.

Finally, don’t overlook the importance of exceptional customer service. Responding promptly to guest inquiries and concerns, and providing personalized attention can make all the difference in creating a positive guest experience.

By adding value in these ways, you can create a desirable and memorable experience for your guests, leading to positive reviews, repeat bookings, and ultimately, increased revenue.

What to Avoid When Decorating and Furnishing your Airbnb:

When it comes to decorating and furnishing your Airbnb, there are a few things to avoid to ensure a successful and profitable space. First and foremost, avoid choosing furnishings and decor that are overly trendy or highly personal, as these can quickly become outdated or turn off guests who don’t share your taste.

In addition, it’s important to avoid using cheap or low-quality furnishings and materials, as these can quickly wear out or become damaged with frequent use. Instead, opt for durable and high-quality pieces that will last for many guests to come.

Avoid cluttering your space with too many decorative items or personal belongings, as this can make the space feel crowded and overwhelming to guests. Keep things simple and streamlined, with a few well-chosen decorative touches to add personality and interest.

Finally, avoid neglecting the practical details, such as providing adequate storage space and high-quality linens and towels. These practical details can make a big difference in guest comfort and satisfaction, and can help set your Airbnb apart from the competition.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and focusing on creating a comfortable and stylish space that meets the needs of your guests, you can create a successful and profitable Airbnb that attracts more guests and receives positive reviews.


In conclusion, decorating an Airbnb house for maximum capacity requires a careful balance of style, comfort, and practicality. By focusing on the needs and preferences of your guests and creating a space that stands out from the crowd, you can attract more bookings, receive positive reviews, and ultimately increase your revenue as an Airbnb host.

Remember to invest in high-quality furnishings and materials that can withstand frequent use and provide maximum comfort for your guests. Choose a neutral color scheme and timeless decor that can appeal to a wide range of guests, and add personal touches and unique features to make your space stand out.

Providing the right amenities and features, such as fast and reliable WiFi, comfortable beds and bedding, hangers and closet space, good coffee, and a list of local attractions and things to do, can also help set your Airbnb apart and ensure that your guests have a memorable and enjoyable stay.

Ultimately, the success of your Airbnb property depends on your ability to create a space that meets the needs and preferences of your guests while also reflecting your personal style and taste. By following these tips and strategies for decorating and furnishing your Airbnb, you can create a space that stands out from the competition and attracts more bookings and positive reviews. Good luck!


Q: How can I create a space that appeals to a wide range of guests?

A: The key is to keep your decor and furnishings neutral and timeless. Choose a neutral color scheme and classic decor pieces that can appeal to a wide range of guests, while adding personal touches and unique features that reflect your style and personality.

Q: What amenities and features should I provide for my guests?

A: Great WiFi, comfortable beds and bedding, hangers and closet space, good coffee, and a list of local attractions and things to do are all must-haves for any Airbnb property. Consider adding additional amenities like a fully-equipped kitchen, laundry facilities, or entertainment options like books, games, and streaming services.

Q: How can I maximize occupancy and revenue as an Airbnb host?

A: By creating a space that is comfortable, stylish, and well-equipped, you can attract more guests and receive positive reviews, which can lead to more bookings and increased revenue over time. Make sure to price your space competitively and offer discounts for longer stays or returning guests.

Q: How can I ensure the safety and security of my guests?

A: Invest in high-quality locks, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors, and make sure to provide clear instructions on how to use these features. Consider installing security cameras in common areas, and make sure to vet your guests carefully before accepting any bookings.

Q: How often should I update my Airbnb decor and furnishings?

A: It’s a good idea to update your decor and furnishings every few years to keep your space fresh and appealing to guests. Pay attention to guest feedback and reviews, and make changes accordingly to improve the guest experience and maximize occupancy and revenue.



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